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Язык и алфавит, тут же божественное и еритическое в кучу
РианДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 20:10 | Сообщение # 26
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
Тока копытами не бей, ладно? oops Размышляю как могу.
Упростить картину мира, упростить вообще - вроде бы то ли самый простой, то ли вообще почти единственный способ понять для себя нечто бесконечно сложное и малопознаваемое. Упрощения - они потому и упрощения, что с ними проще жить и думать, а жизнь и так тяжела, чтоб еще и о картинах мира размышлять, если к таким размышлениям не приучен с детства. Оно вот надо средневековому крестьянину, задумываться? Ему не по фиг, отчего зимой идет снег, а кровь красного цвета? Зачем вообще люди всегда упрощают все, что только могут упростить, зачем стремятся к предельной простоте и однозначности любых выводов? Кроме того, если человек воспитан в монотеизме, ему и в голову не придет искать чего-то более сложного, это для него норма, а вот замена политеизма на моно, насколько мне известно, почти всегда проходила очень тяжело и не очень успешно.

Кстати, мне сегодня попалась одна книжка по истории средних веков... Аффтары, похоже, свято верят в то, что христианизация варварских племен была для оных племен офигенным благом, лучшим, что вообще могло с ними случиться, а все, им в этих варварах не нравится, они объясняют в духе "ну чего взять с варваров-язычников". Интересно, в каком разе угробленная культура, насильственно замененная искуственной и более чем корявой чужой религией может быть каким бы то ни было благом? :?

Добавлено (01.05.2008, 20:10)
*откопав добавление к прошлому посту*
Без языка невозможна культура, так ведь?

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
Ночная_КобылаДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 20:26 | Сообщение # 27
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5087
Статус: Offline
Риан, мне сдается вы притягиваете за уши европейских крестьян и славян. Люди, которые создавали изумительные по образности памятники слова, не похожи на людей, которые в обиходе пользуют 2 тыщи слов. Нет, сам язык говорит за себя. Славянские тексты безумно поэтичны и сложны в описании мира вокруг человека (кстати слово человек связано самоиндификации людей из мира за счет разума, бо дословно означает головастик ж)), наш исконный язык (ненаучный) при произнесении вслух рождает кучу ассоциаций на уровне инстинкта. Славянское миротворчество вообще будоражит ум. Я знаю очень немного языков, неродственных славянским, которые имеют такую поэтичность. И все они очень древние по меркам цивилизации. Не нужно считать наших пращуров дикарями. Они были в чем-то умнее нас, значительно умнее, чем бы нам хотелось.
Насильственное насаждение монотеизма сделала наш ум узконаправленным в по одной узкой тропочке, не допускающей шаг влево, шаг вправо. Закостенел ость в мышлении - это регресс, а не прогресс.

Но, пока я живой, страдаю больной головой -
Слабое место мое, потому что я - воин. (с) Тэм.

Comedamus tandem, et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.

РианДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 20:32 | Сообщение # 28
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
Я не притягиваю за уши, я упрощаю вследствие скудоумия и элементарного невежества. no А понятия прогресса и регресса не относительны? С точки зрения закостенелости благом будет именно закостенелость. Но, так как свернуть ему нельзя, оно и прет усиленно по этой узкой тропке, прилагает усилия в одном направлении - вот тебе и кое-какой прогресс, только, кажется, в тупиковом направлении.

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
Ночная_КобылаДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 20:41 | Сообщение # 29
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5087
Статус: Offline
Риан, как сказать закостенелость исключает продвижение вперед. Вдумайся в слово "закостенелость" просто =)

Но, пока я живой, страдаю больной головой -
Слабое место мое, потому что я - воин. (с) Тэм.

Comedamus tandem, et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.

РианДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 20:46 | Сообщение # 30
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
Полностью исключить движение вперед, наверное, ничто не сможет, а вот загнать его узкие рамки, под низкий потолок - это как раз закостенелости под силу.

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
РианДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 20:57 | Сообщение # 31
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
А агрессия не упрощает управление, если она грамотно направляема?

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
Ночная_КобылаДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 21:02 | Сообщение # 32
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5087
Статус: Offline
Риан, подмена религии, запрет родного языка (полабские славяне) со временем способствуют управлению, да, исчезновению понятия и осознания себя как народа. Но чем все это закончилось на Балканах, вернее, не кончилось, а продолжается по сей день...

Но, пока я живой, страдаю больной головой -
Слабое место мое, потому что я - воин. (с) Тэм.

Comedamus tandem, et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.

РианДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 21:04 | Сообщение # 33
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
Мне кажется, вы не учитываете человеческую способность ошибаться и делать глупости.

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
Ночная_КобылаДата: Четверг, 01.05.2008, 21:05 | Сообщение # 34
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5087
Статус: Offline
Риан, учитываю, но...те, кто ошибался в государственных делах в прошлом, до сих дней не дожили ;)

Но, пока я живой, страдаю больной головой -
Слабое место мое, потому что я - воин. (с) Тэм.

Comedamus tandem, et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.

РианДата: Понедельник, 05.05.2008, 18:21 | Сообщение # 35
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
Не то чтоб по теме, но про язык же ж..
Ночко, гляньте, на досуге, мельком - словарик адекватный? oops oops oops

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
Poison_VortexДата: Понедельник, 05.05.2008, 18:26 | Сообщение # 36
Йадовитойе репко
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 2697
Статус: Offline
Нельзя было старому цынику это показывать mrgreen

Время - самое страшное, что есть на свете.
Время - полная тьма, и если кто-то потерял в нем что-то - воспоминание... счастливый день... или человека... уже никогда не вернет его.
Ночная_КобылаДата: Понедельник, 05.05.2008, 18:33 | Сообщение # 37
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5087
Статус: Offline
Риан, это они с кириллицы или глаголицы так слова скопирили rofl

Но, пока я живой, страдаю больной головой -
Слабое место мое, потому что я - воин. (с) Тэм.

Comedamus tandem, et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.

РианДата: Понедельник, 05.05.2008, 18:34 | Сообщение # 38
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 6731
Статус: Offline
Это следует понимать как "НЕТ! rofl "? roll mrgreen

Смотреть - и никогда не насмотреться,
Как прорастает замысел травой. (с) Тэм
Poison_VortexДата: Понедельник, 05.05.2008, 18:37 | Сообщение # 39
Йадовитойе репко
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 2697
Статус: Offline
Занятно, многие слова в украинском так и висят, всякие там стэгна и т.п.

Время - самое страшное, что есть на свете.
Время - полная тьма, и если кто-то потерял в нем что-то - воспоминание... счастливый день... или человека... уже никогда не вернет его.
Ночная_КобылаДата: Понедельник, 05.05.2008, 18:43 | Сообщение # 40
Группа: Свои
Сообщений: 5087
Статус: Offline
Риан, не совсем нет, там просто форма слов взята разная, а так похоже, но ближе к позднему периоду
Poison_Vortex, фишка в том, что общеславянский он и должен быть понятен всем, в том числе и украинцам, и белоруссам, и русским. Общие корни, только гласные меняются :)

Но, пока я живой, страдаю больной головой -
Слабое место мое, потому что я - воин. (с) Тэм.

Comedamus tandem, et bibamus, cras enim moriemur.

GeraldnerДата: Воскресенье, 02.02.2014, 10:11 | Сообщение # 41
Группа: Гости



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Добавлено (02.02.2014, 04:18)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is well known for its flavor and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in a variety of occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are today advertised as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab signs for all these effects in organic standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in people is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence is conflicting regarding any blood pressure decreasing result of carefully expressed http://www.3dborg.com/node/22474 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes at a lab amount. A fluid extract made instantly from clean olive leaves gained worldwide attention when it had been revealed to have antioxidant ability virtually twice green tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 04:23)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known because of its flavor and health benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in several occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today marketed as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Although there is some lab evidence for all these results in biological standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Medical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood-pressure decreasing result of attentively extracted http://withintheboundarieshunting.com/node/35882 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory outcomes in a laboratory level. A liquid extract produced instantly from fresh olive leaves gained international interest when it had been shown to have anti oxidant ability almost double green-tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 04:48)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for the taste and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in several times and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are now advertised as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Even though there is some laboratory evidence for these effects in organic standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in people is inconclusive.

Medical evidence has been conflicting regarding any blood-pressure lowering impact of attentively expressed http://mosonation.soverse.com/node/85487 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory effects at a lab level. A liquid extract made instantly from fresh olive leaves gained worldwide attention when it was revealed to have anti-oxidant capacity virtually double green tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 04:55)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for its taste and wellness benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in various times and places.citation needed Olive leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are now advertised as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some laboratory signs for all these effects in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in people is inconclusive.

Medical signs is inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure reducing impact of attentively extracted http://hiw.realfantasywrestling.net/content....arnings - olive leaf extract. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory outcomes at a lab amount. A liquid infusion produced directly from clean olive leaves got global attention when it was shown to have an anti-oxidant capability almost twice green tea extract and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 05:00)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for the flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in several occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are today promoted as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab signs for these results in natural standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in people is undetermined.

Medical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood pressure reducing result of carefully extracted http://sportbeach.ru/drupal/node/49658 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory outcomes at a laboratory level. A liquid infusion made instantly from clean olive leaves got global interest when it was revealed to have anti-oxidant capacity virtually double green-tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 05:14)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for the flavor and health benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in various instances and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now marketed as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab evidence for all these effects in natural standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in humans is undetermined.

Medical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing effect of carefully extracted http://dev-hive.gotpantheon.com/he/node/78231 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti inflammatory effects in a lab degree. A fluid infusion produced directly from clean olive leaves got international interest when it had been shown to have an anti oxidant capacity virtually twice green tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 06:03)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known for the taste and health benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in various occasions and places.citation needed Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now promoted as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory evidence for these outcomes in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in people is inconclusive.

Clinical signs is conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing effect of attentively expressed http://brandalyzer.ch/node/2990 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory results at a laboratory amount. A liquid infusion produced directly from fresh olive leaves gained international interest when it was demonstrated to have an anti-oxidant capacity almost twice green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:29)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is well known because of its flavor and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in a variety of times and places.date=april 2008 Olive leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now marketed as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Though there is some lab evidence for these results in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in people is inconclusive.

Medical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood-pressure lowering impact of carefully extracted http://mywebbusiness.soverse.com/node/8471 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory results in a laboratory level. A fluid extract produced instantly from clean olive leaves got international interest when it had been shown to have an anti-oxidant capacity virtually twice green tea remove and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:41)
Olive leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous because of its flavor and wellness benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in a variety of instances and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now marketed as zero-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Even though there is some laboratory evidence for all these results in biological standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in people is undetermined.

Clinical evidence is conflicting regarding any blood pressure decreasing impact of attentively extracted http://mrorientalrugs.com/node/236937 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiinflammatory results at a laboratory degree. A liquid extract made directly from fresh olive leaves got global attention when it was shown to have an antioxidant ability virtually twice green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:52)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous because of its flavor and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in various instances and places.date=january 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are today advertised as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some laboratory evidence for these effects in biological standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure reducing effect of carefully expressed http://www.uncorkedbooks.com/blog....extract - olive leaf extract. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory results in a laboratory level. A fluid infusion made directly from clean olive leaves gained worldwide interest when it had been revealed to have anti oxidant capability nearly double green tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 07:57)
Olive leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for its taste and health benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in a variety of instances and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are today advertised as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Although there is some lab signs for these outcomes in biological standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in people is inconclusive.

Medical signs is inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure lowering impact of attentively extracted http://faithplatform.com/node/121426 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory results at a lab amount. A liquid infusion made directly from fresh olive leaves gained international attention when it had been demonstrated to have an antioxidant capability nearly double green tea extract and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:09)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is famous for the flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in various times and places.date=april 2008 Olive leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are now promoted as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab evidence for all these results in natural standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in people is inconclusive.

Medical signs is conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing result of carefully extracted http://mrorientalrugs.com/node/236930 - olive leaf. Bioassays support its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory results in a laboratory amount. A liquid extract made directly from clean olive leaves gained worldwide interest when it had been revealed to have an antioxidant capacity virtually twice green tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:21)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is famous because of its taste and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in a variety of times and places.date=april 2008 Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now marketed as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Even though there is some lab signs for these outcomes in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in people is inconclusive.

Clinical signs is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure reducing result of carefully expressed http://downloadabook.net/blog....ssure-0 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes at a laboratory level. A liquid infusion produced directly from clean olive leaves got worldwide interest when it had been demonstrated to have anti-oxidant capability virtually double green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:27)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is well known for its taste and wellness benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in various instances and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today advertised as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory signs for all these results in natural standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in humans is undetermined.

Medical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure decreasing impact of carefully extracted http://www.brandalyzer.ch/node/2991 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory outcomes at a laboratory level. A fluid extract made immediately from fresh olive leaves got global interest when it had been shown to have an anti oxidant ability virtually twice green tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:33)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known for its flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in several occasions and places.citation needed Olive leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are now marketed as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab signs for all these effects in organic standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Clinical evidence is inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure lowering result of carefully expressed http://jobs.cms-dev.si.umich.edu/content/healing-power-olive-leaf - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti inflammatory effects at a laboratory level. A fluid infusion produced instantly from clean olive leaves got worldwide interest when it was demonstrated to have anti-oxidant capability nearly twice green-tea remove and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:39)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known because of its flavor and wellness benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in various times and places.citation needed Olive-Leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now marketed as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Even though there is some lab evidence for these results in organic standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), medical signs in humans is inconclusive.

Medical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood pressure reducing effect of attentively expressed http://dev-hive.gotpantheon.com/he/node/78231 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiinflammatory outcomes in a laboratory amount. A liquid extract produced directly from clean olive leaves got international attention when it had been revealed to have anti-oxidant capacity nearly double green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:45)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for its flavor and health benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in several instances and places.date=april 2008 Olive leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are today promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some laboratory evidence for these outcomes in biological standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in people is undetermined.

Medical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure decreasing result of attentively extracted http://petrae.eu/node/20668 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory results in a lab level. A fluid extract made directly from fresh olive leaves gained worldwide attention when it had been demonstrated to have an anti oxidant capability almost twice green-tea extract and 400% higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 08:50)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is well known for the flavor and health benefits, the leaf has been utilized medicinally in several occasions and places.date=april 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today promoted as zero-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Though there is some lab evidence for all these outcomes in natural standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in humans is undetermined.

Clinical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood-pressure lowering impact of carefully expressed http://hispanicfoodmarket.com/hfm/node/6570 - olive leaf. Bioassays help its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiinflammatory outcomes in a lab level. A fluid infusion produced instantly from fresh olive leaves got international interest when it was revealed to have antioxidant capability nearly twice green-tea extract and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 09:02)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While coconut oil is famous for its flavor and wellness benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in various times and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf infusions (OLE), are now advertised as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab signs for all these outcomes in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in people is undetermined.

Medical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood pressure reducing impact of carefully extracted http://proje.agun.org/drupal68/therapeutic-power-olive-leaf - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays support its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory results at a lab degree. A liquid extract produced directly from clean olive leaves gained international attention when it had been revealed to have antioxidant capacity virtually double green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 09:38)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known because of its taste and health benefits, the foliage has been used medicinally in several times and places.citation needed Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are now marketed as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic agents. Although there is some lab signs for all these results in biological standardization studies (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in humans is undetermined.

Clinical evidence has been inconsistent regarding any blood pressure lowering effect of attentively extracted http://philotnu.org/node/3655 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays help its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti inflammatory effects at a laboratory amount. A fluid infusion produced immediately from clean olive leaves gained global interest when it had been shown to have an anti-oxidant capacity almost double green-tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 09:49)
Olive-Leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive-oil is famous for its flavor and health benefits, the leaf has been used medicinally in a variety of times and places.date=january 2008 Olive-Leaf and olive-leaf extracts (OLE), are now promoted as anti-ageing, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Although there is some lab signs for all these results in natural standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), clinical signs in humans is undetermined.

Medical signs has been conflicting regarding any blood-pressure reducing impact of attentively expressed http://www.reciclerio.com.br/node/11948 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory results at a lab level. A fluid infusion produced directly from clean olive leaves gained global attention when it was revealed to have an antioxidant capability nearly twice green tea remove and 400per cent higher than supplement C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 09:55)
Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is famous for the taste and wellness benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in a variety of occasions and places.date=january 2009 Olive-Leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), are now marketed as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Though there is some lab evidence for these results in biological standardization tests (i.e., bioassays), clinical evidence in humans is undetermined.

Clinical signs has been inconsistent regarding any blood-pressure reducing impact of attentively expressed http://proje.agun.org/drupal68/therapeutic-power-olive-leaf-0 - olive leaf extract benefits. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiinflammatory effects in a laboratory amount. A fluid infusion produced instantly from fresh olive leaves got worldwide attention when it had been revealed to have antioxidant capacity almost double green-tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

Добавлено (02.02.2014, 10:11)
Olive-Leaf is the foliage of the olive tree (Olea europaea). While olive oil is well known because of its taste and health benefits, the foliage has been utilized medicinally in a variety of instances and places.date=april 2008 Olive leaf and olive leaf infusions (OLE), are today promoted as anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic brokers. Even though there is some lab signs for all these effects in organic standardization experiments (i.e., bioassays), medical evidence in humans is inconclusive.

Medical signs is conflicting regarding any blood-pressure reducing result of attentively extracted http://faithplatform.com/node/121456 - olive leaf extract. Bioassays help its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory outcomes in a lab degree. A liquid extract made instantly from fresh olive leaves got global interest when it was revealed to have an antioxidant capacity almost twice green-tea extract and 400% higher than vitamin C.

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